Expect Setbacks in Weight Loss

Expect Setbacks in Weight Loss
By Cathy Morenzie

Why do we still get so surprised when we slip up? We act as if it's not supposed to happen -- as if we're supposed to be perfect.

Let's face the facts: we live in a fallen world. Not one of us is perfect, and as long as we live on this side of life, no one ever will be.

Sometimes we get so frustrated by the fact that we messed up, it sends us plummeting on a downward spiral, causing us to binge longer than we might have, and the cycle continues...

The sooner we can figure out how to deal constructively with our setbacks, the sooner we can begin to be more comfortable with ourselves.

In James's letter to the 12 tribes, he gives them an alternative that will help them view their setbacks in a fresh light (James 1:2).

First, setbacks are a given, and troubles are bound to come your way. There will be trials and temptation in this journey and in other areas of your life.

Don't beat yourself up. Pray for wisdom and know that God will never give you more that you can handle. As frustrating and painful as the situation seems, know that it will pass.

Second, use your setbacks as opportunities for growth. See their occurrences as times to learn something new about yourself and about God's love for you. James teaches us that each setback will mature and strengthen us.

This does not mean that we should not do our best to resist temptation. God wants to us to partner with Him so that we can reach perfection. He will not do it for us nor does He want us to do it alone. What we can experience is a perfect relationship where our father equips, prepares, and strengthens us to do His will, and we trust and rest and rely on Him in order to accomplish what He has called us to do.

Here's how to handle setbacks to help them work for you, not against you:

1. Ask God for wisdom (James 1:5).

2. Repent for the setback.

3. Look at the circumstances that led to the setback, for example, whether you were stressed, frustrated, or lonely

4. Put a plan in place so that the situation won't reoccur.

Cathy Morenzie has been in the fitness industry for over 20 years. She is a sought after presenter, published writer and fitness trainer who specializes in helping people to lose weight. Her new program "Healthy by Design" teaches people how to lose weight while strengthening their faith. You can learn more about her program and download your free weight release report at http://www.hbdprogram.com./

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